Dharma Camp, Class and Examination Blessing
Dharma Camp and Class
Our school and Fo Guang Shan Temple (Singapore) are long-term education partners. As early as 2008, the school has worked closely with FGS to organise an Annual Dharma Camp during the March holiday.
The camp aims to impart Dharma teachings and cultivate good character in Mee Tohians.
During the two -day Dharma camp, students will have chance to be close to the nature. They will learn how to cherish, show gratitude and respect for life. Through the activities, students will develop patience, creativity and artistic talent.
开办儿童佛学班的目的是希望学生在接触佛学教义和薰习佛法后,能培养正确的价值观,以及向上、向善的积极生活态度,让学生在每日的处事待人中, 都能自然地表现出佛法的智慧。如:孝悌父母,感恩惜福一切所拥有的事物。家长也能参与家长佛学班,和孩子一同学习。
The Dharma Class was officially launched on the 19 January 2008. This is the seventh year that the class is being conducted for the pupils and their parents. This class is conducted on Saturdays by Venerable You Deng, together with some volunteers from Fo Guang Shan Temple (Singapore).
The objectives of this Dharma Class are to:
- cultivate the correct and desired moral values in our pupils;
- instil filial piety towards parents; and
- be grateful for what they have.
Through these Dharma Teachings, our students will have the right perspectives of life and be more positive and compassionate towards others.
This year, Singapore Fo Guang Shan abbot Master Miao Mu and Mr Gau Poh Teck presented a Buddhist book to every student during Dharma Class Opening Ceremony.
Examination Blessing
Examination Blessing Ceremony
The Examination Blessing Ceremony is held annually with the support of Fo Guang Shan Temple (Singapore). The ceremony is one of the ways of providing support for the pupils, who will be taking their year-end examinations soon. This ceremony conveys the understanding that examination is part and parcel of life. The pupils understand that perseverance is necessary to achieve good results and are also taught the importance of humility if they have done very well as well as resilience to cotninue to work hard if they do not perform well.
At the end of the ceremony, the Venerable tells stories to encourage the pupils to study conscientiously to maximise their potential.